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Next Training Date: January 13 -March 3, 2024

The PerfectFit Christian Yoga Mission:

Our mission is to empower individuals to become God-honoring, impactful, highly trained Christian yoga instructors that change lives and have a ministry from the mat.

In Seven Weeks PerfectFit Will Teach You How To:

·   Teach yoga and honor God first. 

·   Make your traditionally trained yoga certification work for you without getting re-certified, taking up precious time, or spending a ton of money. 

·   Understand the key components of Christian Yoga and how to implement them in your classes. This includes Scriptural Application, Scriptural Affirmation, Scriptural Thematics/How to Create Christ-Centered Content, Christian Meditation, and Prayer.

·   Confidently teach a Christian style of yoga that your students will love while blessing your business.

In This Training You Will Receive: 

·   2- One on One Mentorship Calls with Miranda Jo Davis

·   7 Group Mentoring Calls

·   6 Master Yoga Classes in the signature PerfectFit style

·   6 Training Modules in the PerfectFit Style

·   1 Bonus Module: Your Ministry from the Mat: Creating an environment to Worship and Adding Value to your Classes

·   Lifetime access to the 7 Training Modules

·   Continuing Education Credits with Yoga Alliance and the Christian Yoga Association

·   Christian Yoga Certification approved by YA and CYA

Cost: $999

(Payments Can be split. 1/2 down now, and the remainder is due at week 3 of training.)

Training Spaces are limited.

Please Reserve your space to:

Miranda Jo Davis

Have Questions?

Please schedule a clarity call to discuss

PerfectFit Christian Yoga Teacher Training.

Clarity Call Booking

PerfectFit Christian Yoga Teacher Training: Frequently Asked Questions 

FAQ: Is this training only for Traditionally Trained Yoga Instructors?

Answer: This training is for traditionally trained yoga instructors, Faith Based yoga instructors, and current teacher training attendees. Faith based yoga instructors can increase their knowledge and perspective while receiving CE (continuing education credits). Current students of a traditional yoga school can certainly do this course in conjunction with their current YTT. 

FAQ: What type of certification is given at the end of the program?

Answer: You will receive a certification from the Christian Yoga Association. You will receive CEC’s (continuing education credits) from Yoga Alliance if you are a registered yoga teacher with them and submit the course yourself. 

FAQ: Is there a schedule of the training? 

Answer: Yes, please go here to see the schedule/breakdown of the intensive week by week. 

FAQ: When will the individual and group training coaching sessions be held?

Answer: Individual coaching calls will be on Monday, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays. Group coaching calls will be on Tuesdays or Thursdays (TBD) at 1pm CT. Recordings will be provided for group coaching calls if for some reason you cannot attend. 

FAQ: What are the requirements for the course? 

Answer: Although not REQUIRED we ask all trainees to have a willingness to grow deeper in your faith in Christ, a teachable spirit, and a positive mindset to believe in calling on your life as a Christian yoga instructor. 

Requirements are

5-7 days a week of daily assignments (approximately 30 minutes- 1 hour each.)  

Facebook account for the private FB group. 

A Zoom account. 

Attendance to group coaching sessions. 

Attendance to one on one coaching sessions. 

FAQ: Does it matter what style of yoga I was traditionally trained in?

Answer: It does not matter what style of yoga you were trained in. This intensive can accommodate any and all styles of practice. 

FAQ: Is there a payment plan option?

Answer: Yes, you can make a one time payment. Or pay in two or three installments via PayPal. 

FAQ: What is the cost of the CYTT intensive? 

Answer: $999


I loved how this training helped me learn how to create my classes in a God-honoring way. I value combining Yoga postures with scripture, meditation, and prayer. 

My encouragement to anyone considering this training…This course is very thorough, heartfelt, and impactful. It can help you understand the why and how of Christian yoga while giving you a safe place to practice and develop your skillset as a teacher.

Miranda, Wow! What a gift she is. God has equipped her well to encourage, to teach, and she is wonderful at instilling confidence in her student teachers. She will encourage you to dig deep, to write for insight, and to pursue God fully. She is grounded in truth, and she is very approachable. One of my favorite things is knowing I can ask her anything, and she sincerely listens, prays, discerns, and responds. Thank you, M! :) 

Tiffany Ward, PerfectFit Graduate

This training has reinforced the fact that I am certain I have been called to profess God’s word to others. My biggest takeaway would be to know that I can adjust to my audience accordingly and be confident in gently leading them to God’s word. Incorporating Him into our practice makes so much sense because he loves us all unconditionally! 

This training has boosted my confidence in my yoga abilities as a practitioner and teacher by using God’s word. I’m so excited to say that I will be teaching a regular class at my church that will be advertised as a new weekly ministry! I’m seeing new opportunities to bring Him into the lives of our community, and it’s an awesome feeling!

I would encourage anyone who is thinking about this training to take the leap of faith and go for it! If they feel led to incorporate God into their practice, there’s a reason. This course was designed to bring out the joy that we already have in our hearts for God. Miranda has done an amazing job teaching us how to share Christian joy with others through our beloved practice.

Stephanie Beach, PerfectFit Graduate

I am very happy I decided to pursue PCYTT and have enjoyed the past seven weeks’ process.

In PFCYTT, I learned how to use the concepts of scripture, prayer, and mediation and weave them into classes that will uplift and serve clients. The class format is a great outline for creating classes that glorify God. My biggest takeaway is by adjusting my intention towards God’s word, I will be able to lead others to Christ and yoga respectfully.

PFCYTT impacted me by helping me be purposeful in studying God’s word and adding my experience of teaching yoga. I am excited to offer this intentional teaching and continue studying. This is a course I am excited to have lifetime access to. Accessing the modules will allow me to revisit the teachings and sharpen my teaching skills with Christian-based yoga.

I would encourage anyone sensing a tug from the Lord to pray over it and give Miranda a chance to encourage you and help you grow in your faith and teaching. My yoga teaching, united with God’s word was a great decision.

Kelli Carraway, PerfectFit Graduate

My faith grew immensely through various tools to honor God, not only in my personal life but in a classroom setting as well. I’m grateful for memorizing scripture so I can be fully prepared to help someone with the right words at any moment. The variety of tools PCYTT teaches to incorporate Christ into lesson plans is thorough, and the task of filming sample class videos was a fun way to put into practice what I will be doing with this certification. I’m truly fully prepared to offer Christ-honoring classes.

My mission is to provide unique and joyful yoga experiences for mental, physical, and emotional benefits while implementing wisdom from our Creator.

Jenny Lia, PerfectFit Graduate


We want to share the latest in our classes, writing, and speaking adventures with you.