THE 4 P’s: Pray, Protect, Partner, Practice Tools for a Successful Yoga Practice
In the yoga world, we need a spiritual tool belt to help us walk to stay on the narrow but life-giving path Jesus calls us to. Matthew 7:14. Picture yourself as a gatherer of truth. Think of yourself as an investigator looking for clues and insight into what is and is not beneficial for you as a Christian yogi.
In this lesson, we walk through a proven step-by-step process to safely practice yoga while honoring our faith.
As Yoga practitioners and instructors, we can immediately apply a PerfectFit Christian yoga TT signature tool, The 4 P’s.
The 4 P’s are: Pray, Protect, Partner, and Practice.
Pray: Before you begin this journey into the yoga world, invite Jesus to partner with you in prayer. He will give you the discernment and instruction needed to find the perfect fit for you. As Mark 10:27 clearly states, “All things are possible in Christ Jesus.''
Pray about the following details:
· When searching for a class, teacher training, instructor, or style of yoga, pray. Specifically, pray you will find an environment that honors Christ, an instructor who walks with Christ, and a class or teacher training free from eastern religion, philosophy, and new-age practices.
Protect: Christian Yogis; we want to guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus as it talks about in Philippians 4:7
Yoga is the PRIME place for attack from the enemy. Satan is well aware of the many pitfalls of the yoga practice. He knows there is an abundance of untruth in the yoga world, and he uses that to work against you. He wants you to succumb to its sinful practices and be separated from Christ.
If you’re unaware of this, you’re vulnerable and a target for spiritual attack. Protect yourself by being immersed in God’s word daily. Commit to knowing and living by His truth, and put on the full armor of God as it talks about in Ephesians 6, especially when you set foot in a yoga class.
Partner: Have an accountability partner or acquire a yoga mentor. As it says in Matthew 18:20, “When two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” God calls us to walk side by side. One of the most empowering ways to walk through life is with a wiser Christian sister or brother who has traveled the yogic path before you.
As we’re aware, the yoga journey can be riddled with trials, obstacles, and untruths. When we partner with another person, we gain a new sense of perspective. Yoga mentors and accountability partners can help you stay true to practicing yoga free of sin. These trustworthy Believers In Christ practice yoga themselves and can be a voice of truth should you have questions, need direction, or are uncertain about any aspect of the practice. They are your encouraging, compassionate, and wise guides.
Here is a simple rule of thumb if you don’t know how to partner with a mentor. Pray and ask God to show you some possible people. Study them. If they have the light within their spirit, it will shine. It shines so brightly that you want that light for yourself.
For example, you see their confidence in Christ. They have biblical awareness and wisdom. They have the answers that you need to solve a problem in your own life. Once you find the right person to fit the bill, you simply ask them. Will you walk with me on this yoga journey? Some mentors do it as a ministry, and some do it as a part of their business, so make sure you are clear on that.
We are not called to be a lone ranger in the world of yoga, so reach out and take someone’s hand and walk side by side with them.
Take advantage of the PerfectFit TT as you have access to one on one and group mentoring calls. Come ready and prepared for each session so you can make the most of this time in partnership.
Practice: Participate in, study, practice, and teach Christian yoga. This can be a safety net for your faith and assure you that you are steering clear of false teaching and new-age practices. The Christian Yoga Association or CYA is a directory of Christian yoga instructors committed to teaching the Christian style. Use this tool to help locate classes and instructors who are certified.
Remember, you will be a certified instructor with The Christian Yoga Association at the end of this training.
Final Thoughts:
The 4 P’s will become second nature to you as a Christian yoga practitioner and instructor. They are guidelines for living both personally and professionally that will give you wisdom and discernment when entering the yoga world.
In conclusion, as Christians, we want the mental and physical benefits from the yoga practice, but we need parameters in doing so. As instructors, your job is to make sure you stay within those guidelines and keep your students spiritually safe.
Scriptural Application:
Take a moment to meditate on the truth of God’s word. How can these scriptures help you stay connected to Christ and His truth regarding traditional yoga?
Mark 10:27
Philippians 4:7
Ephesians 6
Call to Action: Write for Insight
Have you specifically prayed for God to guide you to the right path for your yoga teachers, classes, and teacher training? Why or Why not?
Are you committed to your spiritual growth and meditating on scripture to decipher what is biblically permissible for your yoga practice? Why or Why not?
Are you willing to partner with someone who can safely walk alongside you as a mentor or accountability partner in your yoga practice? Why or Why not?
Are you ready to embrace your path to becoming a Christian yoga instructor? Please Explain.