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Christian Meditation: Create Your Own

Here is your chance to be creative, find joy, and share something personal with your students.

In this lesson, we write our own Devotional for Christian Meditation!

Devotionals relate biblical truth to real life. What better way to bless your students than to share from the heart and let them have a glimpse of your faith.

If writing a devotional brings about any notion of self-doubt or fear, let’s bring our attention to this truth. Phillipians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

With this simple three-step process, you can most certainly tap into the power and love of Christ to carry you every word of the way. 

Call to Action: 

Follow the three-step process below to create a one of a kind, unique devotional! 

Getting Started:

Pray and invite God to partner with you in writing. 


Select a Scripture of relevance. More than likely, it is a scripture that has spoken to you personally. You may also refer to your Master List for ideas. Fruitful devotionals use a short scripture passage, about 25 words or less. A longer amount of words will be too long and hard to comprehend for your audience. Longer scripture or passages tends to make it difficult to hone in on one specific point. Journal about why this scripture is essential to you. Think of this as the brainstorming portion of your writing.

Consider these questions when journaling:

How did this scripture speak to you personally?In what situation did God use this scripture to speak to you?What did you learn about God and Jesus from this scripture?What biblical truths can share from this scripture or the experience surrounding it?How did this scripture help you? Did it comfort, encourage, give hope, or provide a solution to a problem? What is the main idea you would want to share regarding how this scripture personally impacted faith?


When writing a successful devotional, focus on a single point. 

Keep the devotional between 100-300 words to illustrate the point. You may include any of the following: 

an anecdotea conversationa statistic an object lesson an interesting fact An interesting quotea question

a personal story

Going Deeper:

Point out something interesting about the Bible passage you selected that offers a unique insight or perspective. Use the illustration to connect the scriptural principle to real life.


This step encourages you to apply the devotional’s lesson and main takeaway. It is here that you get to the point! A good closing gives your audience biblical solutions and results that they can apply to their lives due to reading/hearing your devotional. 

Take Note: If you are writing a devotional from personal experience and using a personally inspired theme, then the main takeaway will be extracted from personal experience. The closing would be the same insight God gave you in your unique situation and circumstance. 

Final Thoughts:

Perspective is essential in this lesson. This is your opportunity to share with the world (or at least your fellow trainees and students) how God worked in your life! This is for HIS glory and a reason to bring worship to Jesus through your Christian meditation devotion and yoga.

You may discover this is something you absolutely love, and you may find it might not be for you. You can take what you like and leave the rest. But for now, let’s prayerfully keep an open mind and give it a try for God’s glory. He will LOVE the words you write for HIM!

Call to Action:

Write a 100-300 word devotion using the 3 step method above. The devotion used in the master class written by Miranda was 123 words for reference. Make a video of you reading your devotion as if you were teaching a yoga class. Make sure to give cues for breath and what position our body should be in, such as seated or supine. Upload your masterpiece (video) to the PCYTT Facebook group.


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