Prayer: Why, When, and How to Use in Christian Yoga
Now we have a firm understanding of the importance of prayer in a Christian’s spiritual life. We want the same foundation to overflow into a spiritually healthy yoga practice. With that said, prayer fits into Christian yoga beautifully, and we can joyfully welcome it.
In this lesson, we apply the principles from Module 4, lesson 1, and examine how prayer is essential for Christian Yoga.
Our first step is to take a peek at how prayer in Christian yoga is beneficial. Below is a list of reasons why it fits nicely into our practice.
Why Prayer Benefits our Christian Yoga Practice:
We implement prayer in Christian yoga because God has ordained it as a part of following Christ. Praying illustrates our hearts as models of Christ-like character and behavior. Prayer points our students to Jesus. Prayer deepens our connection to God while practicing. Praying to God on the mat brings humility to the practice. If we have the mental, emotional, and spiritual awareness to see our strengths and flaws when we practice, we are humble. We can lay these imperfections at His feet and move with grace. God is accessible in all places and at all times, including our yoga mat. We want to partner with God through praying and inviting Him into our time on the mat. Praying with your students is a gift and a blessing. Praying when you teach yoga classes will deepen the connection you have with God and your students. Praying creates community.
Hopefully, in time you will come to relish prayer in Christian yoga. As instructors, placing it in specific places in class is key to optimizing and enhancing your students’ effects.
Here we begin to analyze the logistics of placing prayer into our teaching practice.
When to Pray in Class
As mentioned above, prayer is easily accessible at any time and any place. For that reason, we will strategically place prayer in certain areas for maximum impact during our practice.
Pray at the beginning of class.
As the instructor, ALWAYS pray quietly to yourself before you begin teaching. We want to solidify our time of instruction for God’s glory. A heartfelt, silent prayer to God, inviting Him into the practice, will ensure the class is Holy Spirit lead.
After you start the initial breathing and pace of the class, you can add prayer.
Let’s consider the possibilities:
You can pray before you introduce the scriptural theme. You can pray and introduce the scriptural theme within the prayer.You can pray and then reveal the scriptural theme afterward.
Prayerful Poses
Short prayers combine with specific pose sequences. These are usually one sentence simple prayers used to make a request.
Examples of Prayerful Poses:
Forward Folds: Lord, please help me to have a different perspective.
Lord, help me bend to your will.
Deep Stretches: Jesus, I pray to be more flexible physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Jesus, help me to release mental and physical stress.
Inversions: I pray to have the mind of Christ.
Lord, when my life is upside down, may my eyes seek you.
Balances: Father God, help me root to you today.
Jesus, I need your help to balance my life.
Twisting: God, please help me to turn my gaze towards you.
Father God, I release and let go of toxic emotions today.
Prayer at the end of class
Binds: Heavenly Father, I bind myself to your will. Jesus, help me to break free from the bondage of self.
There are three different ways to approach closing the class in prayer.
Pray before beginning final relaxation (savasana). Pray during final relaxation, making it a part of the Christian Meditation. Pray at the close of class. You can lead the students' prayer or use a set prayer (like the Lord’s prayer) and say it aloud during class. Going Deeper: The Lord’s Prayer is a beautiful place to advocate your students saying the prayer in unison. Most Believers are familiar with the prayer. If you are uncertain, print out the prayer and provide copies for the students or for virtual classes, email the prayer to students beforehand. We go over The Lord’s prayer in-depth in lesson 3. Take Note: If you did not pray aloud in any part of the class, DO take the time to quietly pray over each student as they rest in final relaxation pose. For some students, this may be the only time anyone prays over or for them.
Simple prayers to pray over your students in Final Relaxation:
These are prayers you can say quietly in your mind as your students rest in final relaxation.
Lord, I place _____ in your hands today, may they do your will.
Jesus, please bless ______today.
Father, you know ______needs, please guide them in all they do.
God, I ask that you would bless ______with a healthy mind, body, and spirit.
Lord, I know that ______ does not know you as their Lord and Savior. I pray they would want to have a relationship with you.
How to Pray in Christian Yoga
Now that we know where to pray in class, we learn how to pray in class.
The good news is there are a variety of ways to do this. In this part of the lesson, we hone in on the ACTS method for prayer.
How to Pray During Christian yoga:
Follow the ACTS model:
A- Adore the Creator, say praises to His Holy name.
C- Confess and admit sin and shortcomings.
T- Thanksgiving- Give thanks to the Lord for all aspects of your life.
S- Supplication- Pray for others and their needs, interceding on their behalf. Make your personal requests known to God.
Here is a possible prayer you could utilize in class using the ACTS model.
Example/ How to Apply in Class:
Dear Lord,
We come to you our loving, kind, gracious, and compassionate God. (Adoration) Please forgive us when we drift, wander, or are indifferent to you, Lord. (Confess) I thank you for always staying by my side. I thank you for allowing me to experience your presence during my yoga practice today. (Thanksgiving) God, I pray for health, healing, and your light to shine forth on each person here. I pray you would touch their spirit with your loving hand. (Supplication) In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Pray led by the Spirit:
We can pray a short, heartfelt prayer over our class; however, the Lord prompts. Romans 8:26.
Pray Using a Scriptural Theme
This is a short prayer, inviting God into your class, the scriptural theme, and all aspects of the practice.
There are several instances in the Bible where scripture was the basis for prayer, and our Lord and Savior, Jesus, did this himself.
Our chief reason for praying scripture in Christian yoga is that it magnifies the class’s scriptural theme.
This is an all-encompassing article breaking down scripture and prayer for further comprehension.
12 Reasons You Should Pray Scripture
Example/ How to Apply in Class:
Let’s say our scriptural theme is peace. We select Isaiah 26:3, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you.”
We Pray:
Father God, We are so grateful for your presence in our practice today. We lift your word to you from Isaiah 26:3, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you.” I pray you would guide our hearts and minds in peace and trust as we practice Christ-centered yoga today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Use Set Prayers:
We can utilize set prayers written by someone else. Take Note: Lesson 3 is entirely devoted to this specific type of prayer.
Going Deeper:
Until this point, we have discussed praying in a group, which is the most simplistic way to cover each person in prayer.
However, there will be times in this ministry from the mat that you will pray for a specific student.
How to Pray One on One:
You may feel led by the Holy Spirit to pray for a student in the class. You can do this in different ways: Pray silently for students from your mat as suggested above.Pray while making hands-on adjustments to a student during class. This prayer is silently or aloud (in a soft voice) as you adjust. Pray over students silently or aloud (with a soft voice) as you make adjustments during relaxation. This would be appropriate when holding their feet, shoulders or placing your hands to their temples.Offer one on one prayer. Announce the close of class that you’re praying with students individually after class. Set a time limit for how long you plan to pray with others. For example, you put a 10-minute limit and announce this. Setting a time limit forms a boundary with your students that your time is valuable.
Take Note: A student may approach and ask you to pray with them one on one. Consider this an honor that they would trust you to pray with, and for them, you could be the Godly influence they have in their lives.
Exercise Caution:
Please take caution when praying for someone of the opposite sex, as you would not want to do this in a space where the two of you were left alone. When praying with someone of the opposite sex, make sure another person(s) is nearby. We do this out of an abundance of caution and set instructors up to be safe as they attend to their students' spiritual needs.
Into Action: Write For Insight
At the beginning of this lesson, we discuss why praying in a yoga class is beneficial. Write down which ways you think are most helpful and explain why. Are there any other reasons as to why you find prayer in practice helpful? Are you ready to implement prayer in Christian yoga? Why or why not? If you plan to use prayer, where do you believe you will be most comfortable inserting prayer into your teachings? In the beginning, in the end, in a prayerful pose, or one on one. Is there anything that makes you feel uncomfortable about praying during Christian yoga? Please explain. What is your level of comfort in praying for your students one on one? Please explain. Create your own one phrase prayer for the following poses. Feel free to add to the list any postures not covered.
Prayerful Poses:
Forward Folds
Deep Stretches
Take Note: These could be any type of pose that fits into one of these categories. Please post your one phrase prayers and pose to the PCYTT Facebook group.