Module 4: Recap/Flow Forward
In module 4, we discussed the five lessons for using prayer in our Christian yoga practice.
Why Prayer?Prayer: Why, When, and How to Use in Christian Yoga Prayer: Set PrayersPrayer: Create Your OwnPutting into Practice: Apply/Create/Share
Take note at this time if you need to go back and watch the video again or go over your workbook material. You want to be confidently fresh to begin Module 5 and “flow forward.”
Now is an excellent time to connect to your peers in the Facebook group and ask a question to the group or comment on anything you found interesting or any “ah-ha” moments you may have had this week.
Please post the following from your homework:
Create your own one phrase prayer for the following poses. Feel free to add to the list any postures not covered.
Pair Prayer to Poses:
Forward Folds
Deep Stretches
Take Note: These could be any type of pose that fits into one of these categories. Please post your one phrase prayers and pose to the PCYTT Facebook group.
2. Post a set prayer in the PCYTT Facebook group and tell us why you selected it.
3. Make a video of you reading the prayer you created as if you were teaching a yoga class. Talk through it like you are the teacher, and we are the students. Upload your video to the PCYTT Facebook group.
4. Create a mini master class of 6-8 poses using prayer in the various ways this module discusses and upload it to Facebook.
Write for Insight
Are there any questions I have that I would like to ask on the group coaching call regarding this week's lessons? If so, write them down so we can bring them to our group mentor call.