Creating an Excellent Environment
When it comes to teaching classes, have you ever stopped to think about what sets you apart as a Christian yoga instructor?
It’s important to consider. Therefore, in this lesson, we discuss a biblical component that will help you stand out and shine brightly...creating an environment of excellence.
The Excellent Environment:
When teaching classes, we can make a welcoming and hospitable environment to bless your students. The scriptures refer to hospitality in relation to having a servant’s heart. Consider these verses:
Hebrews 13:2
1 Peter 4:9
Romans 12:13
Let’s face it, some spaces we teach in often feel dark or cold. With just a little effort and action, you can transform the dullest of spaces into a shining light for Christ.
When we practice hospitality, it is like opening the door to God’s kingdom. In essence, you are inviting your students into a loving, warm, safe place to practice.
Many Christian yoga instructors bring elements to class with them to make a room feel welcoming. Even our online classes can become a way to express our faith, even if we do not overtly communicate this.
Ways to Create an Excellent Environment:
Let There be Light
Light is an important symbol of the Christian faith. John 8:12 reiterates this theme as Jesus proclaims, “I am the light of the world.”
Use a salt lamp as decorative light. Jesus calls us to be both salt and light, and this symbolic measure embodies both. Matthew 5:13-16
Use portable battery-operated candles or Christmas lights to place around the perimeter of the room. You can do this for both in-person and virtual classes.
Take Note: Although symbolic, light can be one way to affirm our Christian faith without being overt about our beliefs. This can be especially helpful in secular teaching environments.
Jesus knows our intentions to honor Him when we use a candle or special light. In lesson 5, we discuss how to keep Christ at the center when teaching to secular environments.
The Power of the Cross
Christianity uses the cross to symbolize our faith. Mark 8:34 says, “And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Therefore using a cross in our practice is a firm proclamation of your faith.
A cross is a beautiful focal point for students to gaze upon to gain greater perspective mentally, physically, and spiritually as they practice. Place it at the front of the class or near your mat.
Galatians 5: Setting the Tone for the Practice
As the instructor and leader of the practice, so much of the class’s tone begins with you. You are the spiritual barometer and set the overall vibe of the class.
We do this by manifesting Christ-like qualities of excellence derived from the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23).
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law.”
With this in mind, the following are Christlike characteristics that instructors want to consistently display when creating a welcoming spirit to the class environment.
Serving our students is rooted in our love of Christ. Love your students as Christ loves you. 1 John 4:19
Create a joy-filled atmosphere. Celebrate with your students the victories they have on the mat. Have fun while teaching, and may the joy you have from the Lord be your strength.
Set the tone for peace. Do this in your attitude, actions, body language, and interaction.
Reminder: Peace is countercultural to our world today. Your students (whether or not they are followers of Christ) are desperate to be free from stress, anxiety, worry, and fear. Affirm to your students regularly that in Christian yoga, we have Christ at the center of our practice, making Jesus our primary pathway to peace. John 16:33
Be patient. There will be trying personalities to deal with from time to time, difficult circumstances, and challenges.
Romans 8:25
Practice the fruit of the spirit of kindness to all students.
Goodness comes from the Father, and we can emulate that as we instruct. We want goodness to flow forth in every aspect of our class from start to finish.
Because Christ is faithful to us, we are faithful with the gifts He has entrusted us with as Christian yoga instructors. We also need to be faithful to our students by teaching them Christian yoga.
May our demeanor in class be one of a gentle and humble spirit. Remember, we are working to create a community of Christ Following yogis and want our role as teacher and leader to be from a place of gentleness. James 4:10 is a beautiful example of how God favors humility.
Self Control
Although this can apply to various areas surrounding Christian yoga, we can focus on professionalism. Be Christlike in your speech and how you conduct yourself in front of your students. Teachers have great value in God’s kingdom and are held to a higher standard.
James 3:1 reinforces this.
Furthermore, stick to the PerfectFit style of yoga and keep your teachings to those that honor Christ. We want to keep our students pointed to God and not to false teaching.
Call to Action: Write for Insight
Galatians 5, which fruit of the spirit do you think you need to focus on and grow into? Will you consider setting some realistic and healthy goals so you can move forward in this area? Why or Why not?
From Galatians 5, which fruit of the spirit do you think you do well when it comes to teaching classes? Explain.
Are you willing to add some of the spiritual symbols to your teaching environment, like candles or a cross? Why or Why not?
Is this the first time you have considered your responsibility as an instructor for creating an environment of excellence? Why or Why not?
If help is needed cultivating the fruits of the spirit while teaching, let’s discuss this at our next 1:1 mentor call. The fruits of the spirit are a vital virtue we want to have on and off the mat. Schedule the call, and let’s talk it through!
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