Bringing the Excellence of Christ to Secular Environments
In this final lesson, we uncover the many ways you can share your Christian faith while teaching in secular environments.
God wants you to keep Him at the forefront of your teaching. Although this may seem impossible, we must remember we love a God whose possibilities are limitless. Luke 1:37
Even if you are teaching at a facility that would forbid Christian teachings. Even if you have a room filled with students who do not follow Jesus, you can still be a light for Christ on the mat.
While some of us will pursue teaching to a particularly Christian audience, we could all benefit from knowing how we can honor God from the mat in a worldly environment.
After all, this lesson applies to our lives off the mat. We live in a world where at times, our faith is rejected. We need to know how to continue to move forward and share the love of Christ. We cannot be hindered but must have faith and be confident in our calling.
Ways to Incorporate Christ in a Secular Environment
Use Scripture Creatively- You may still use scriptural themes in a secular yoga class. For example, love, joy, peace are all themes that are biblical but also readily embraced in a world view.
Use scripture and modify it. Open and close the class with the scripture, but dont use the book or verse from the Bible.
Example: Let’s say you choose the theme of peace and use Hebrews 12:14.
“Strive for peace with everyone and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.”
Next, we would shorten the scripture. Remember, this is okay to do as long as the meaning of the verse remains intact.
“Strive for peace with everyone.”
From here, you could add Breath meditation, “I AM” Statements, Pose Pairing. You simply do not say the book or verse name.
Inhale: I strive
Exhale: for peace
“I AM” at peace.
Pigeon Pose- I am at peace with everyone.
Take Note: One never knows the impact of speaking the truth of God’s word over people who do not share our Christian faith. We are simply to be obedient and willing to share our faith, even if doing so conservatively. God can use this to bring followers to His Kingdom and alter the course of someone’s life both here and in eternity.
Use Christian Music- There is probably no easier way to exalt God than to play worship music in class.
Even in secular classes, some great upbeat Christian tunes could be easy to incorporate.
Instrumental Christian music can fill your secular class playlist. Only fellow believers would know you are playing Christian songs.
Whether or not you close your class with Namaste or not, you can use a list of distinctly Christian phrases at the end of class.
Distinct Christian Phrase (DCP) – A DCP is a phrase derived from scripture and is distinctly Christian.
Our Non-Christian students have no idea we are speaking things of the bible simply because they don’t know God’s word. Be clear; as an instructor, you don’t have to announce you’re using Christian phrasing or scriptural verses to close the practice. A DCP is perfect for traditionally trained instructors who want to incorporate Christian teachings but cannot do so overtly (perhaps because you teach in a secular environment.) A DCP is an excellent way to speak the truth over students and stay true to the faith no matter who or where we’re teaching.
Putting it into Practice:
Step One: Select a Scriptural theme.
Isaiah 55:12, “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
Step Two: Paraphrase or Shorten the Scripture
May you Go out in Joy and be led Forth In Peace.
Step Three: Apply
Use the DCP at the end of class. It is to replace Namaste.
Below is a list of DCP’s created for you.
Christian Distinct Phrases for Secular Yoga Classes:
Be Still in your mind, healthy in your body, and blessed in your spirit. Ascribe to the truth, live by light, and focus on love.Be pure in thoughts and selfless in action. Whatever is true, noble, excellent, or praiseworthy, think on such things. Be light, be love, and be peace-filled. May you live life abundantly.May you run the race set before you with joy. May you live in gratitude and be thankful always. A heart at peace gives life to the body. May you feel called to serve boldly, love much, and practice kindness. Be bold and courageous. May you be renewed in your mind, body, and spirit. Be forgiving and sow seeds of peace. Be glad and rejoice on this day.Do what’s right and good today.
Going Deeper:
Remember, this is your ministry from the mat. Do not be alarmed if a student comes up at the end of class and wants to discuss/know more about the class’s content and theme.
Whether they know it or not, they’re drawn to the light of Christ in you! The scriptures tell us in 1 Peter 3:15, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
We never know when it might be time to share our hope in Christ with another yogi, but that is not a reason to have fear. We must trust God and believe He will give us the words and the strength to do when or if the time comes.
Call to Action: Write for Insight
Do you have any reservations about sharing God’s truth to secular classes? Why or Why not?Which of the above ways seem most doable when teaching to a secular class?Do you know how to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and bring a nonbeliever to salvation? Be prepared as you never know if God will open the door to share your faith in Christ with a student.
Here are two great resources to help you share confidently:
Sharing the Gospel- In 3 Minutes or Less
The Sinner's Prayer- 4 Examples For Salvation
Take time to create ten DCP’s from your Master List. Post your list of 10 DCP’s to the PCYTT Facebook group.
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