In Module 2, we uncovered the first critical component when practicing Christian yoga; scripture use.
Now we’re ready to explore the second vital component, Christian Meditation.
In Module 3, we learn:
Christian Meditation- What it is and What It Isn’t Christian Meditation and Scripture: The Perfect DuoThe Use of Devotionals: Why, How, and Where to UseChristian Meditation: Create Your Own Putting it into practice: Christian Meditation
It’s important to remember that Christian Meditation will differ from your traditional understanding of meditation. Let’s keep our minds and hearts teachable as we learn to meditate in a way that honors our Christian faith.
Let’s get started with Module 3: Lesson 1!
This Balanced Practice will help you prepare for the various ways we teach Christian Meditation. Notice the use of Breath Meditation, ‘I AM’ statements, and Devotion use, which all tie into the same scriptural theme.
We want to share the latest in our classes, writing, and speaking adventures with you.