In Module 3, we uncovered the second important component to Christian yoga; Christian Meditation.
Now we’re ready to explore the third vital component; prayer.
In Module 4, we learn:
• Why and How Christians Pray
• Why, When, and How to Use Prayer in a Christian yoga class
• The use of set prayers in the practice
• How to create prayers for our classes
• How to integrate prayer by putting it into practice
Prayer is wonderful to practice in Christian yoga, making it one of this practice’s unique hallmarks. This module will surely expand your knowledge of prayer and give you yet another tool to implement when teaching.
Let’s get started with Module 4: Lesson 1!
Module 4
Foundations Master Class
Scripture: Psalm 102:25
"In the beginning, you laid the foundations of the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands."
Trainees: This class is a model for instructors new to teaching or those who will have students who are new to yoga.
Detailed cueing, simple sequencing and attention to anatomy and alignment (so you do the poses safely and effectively) are the emphasis of a foundations class.
Listen for the various ways prayer is utilized as taught in each lesson of Module 4.